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Haverhill Elementary School

Home of the Hawks


Welcome SACS Visitors and Volunteers

Visitor Policy

If you wish to volunteer/visit at any of the Southwest Allen County Schools or accompany your child on a field trip, you will need to complete this form. By signing, you are authorizing Southwest Allen County Schools to perform a criminal history check. You will need to complete the Background Check form below and submit it to the school office. Please make sure that your information is printed legibly. Make sure you provide your full name, date of birth, and signature or we will not be able to allow you to volunteer/visit. Allow 5 school days to process new background check forms, and all visitors must have 48 hour advanced approval from the school office. If you have lived in Indiana less than 1 year please call 260-431-2051.


Volunteers who have direct, ongoing contact with students will receive training covering the district's bullying prevention and reporting policy.

Training for employees and volunteers shall be provided directly during an employee meeting or by using on-line training materials developed in consultation with school safety specialists, school counselors or other persons with training and expertise in the area of bullying prevention and intervention.

Online Training:

If an employee or parent volunteer chooses online training, he/she must watch the following video in its entirety. At the completion of the video, an email will be sent to the district to verify the employee or parent volunteer has competed training.